When I wrote about Beta and Incomplete Beta functions, few posts ago it left a hole in my heart to not cover, Inverse of Incomplete Beta. The implementation was hard and I had time constraints. Well, finally I have completed implementing .. The inverse!! As the following notation goes.. please, note that ‘P’ here is
and is not static but taken as the first argument of the function.
This function has remarkable practical implications. We will see the importance of it in my future posts when I develop a powerful, Probability and Stats library based on these special functions, I have been writing in the past few posts. The code is dependent on incompbeta(a,b,x) which is dependent on contfractbeta(a,b,x, ITMAX = 200). For the sake of completeness both of these function are given in the block below. Lets get to the code:
import math
def invincompbeta(p, a, b):
''' invincompbeta(p,a,b) evaluates inverse of incomplete beta function, here 1 <= p <= 0 and a, b > 0. This function requires incompbeta(a,b,x) and contfractbeta(a,b,x, ITMAX = 200)
(C ++ Code translated into Python from: Numerical Recipes in C; 3rd ed.)'''
ERROR = 1.e-8
if (p <= 0.0):
return 0.0
elif (p >= 1.):
return 1.;
elif (a >= 1.0) and (b >= 1.0):
if (p < 0.5):
pp = p
pp = 1. - p;
t = math.sqrt(-2.*math.log(pp))
x = (2.30753+t*0.27061)/(1.0+t*(0.99229+t*0.04481)) - t
if (p < 0.5):
x = -x
al = ((x*x)-3.0)/6.0;
h = 2.0/(1.0/(2.0*a-1.0)+1.0/(2.0*b-1.0));
w = (x*math.sqrt(al+h)/h)-(1.0/(2.0*b-1)-1.0/(2.0*a-1.0))*(al+5.0/6.0-2.0/(3.0*h))
x = a/(a+b*math.exp(2.0*w))
lna = math.log(a/(a+b))
lnb = math.log(b/(a+b))
t = math.exp(a*lna)/a
u = math.exp(b*lnb)/b
w = t + u
if (p < t/w):
x = math.pow(a*w*p,1.0/a)
x = 1. - math.pow(b*w*(1.0-p),1.0/b)
afac = -math.lgamma(a)-math.lgamma(b)+math.lgamma(a+b)
j = 0
for i in range(10):
if (0.0) or ( x == 1.0):
return x;
err = incompbeta(a,b,x) - p
t = math.exp(a1*math.log(x)+b1*math.log(1.0-x) + afac)
u = err/t
t = u/(1.0-0.5*min(1.0,u*(a1/x - b1/(1.0-x))))
x -= t
if (x <= 0.):
x = 0.5*(x + t)
if (x >= 1.):
x = 0.5*(x + t + 1.)
if (math.fabs(t) < ERROR*x) and (j > 0):
return x
def contfractbeta(a,b,x, ITMAX = 200):
""" contfractbeta() evaluates the continued fraction form of the incomplete Beta function; incompbeta().
(Code translated from: Numerical Recipes in C.)"""
EPS = 3.0e-7
bm = az = am = 1.0
qab = a+b
qap = a+1.0
qam = a-1.0
bz = 1.0-qab*x/qap
for i in range(ITMAX+1):
em = float(i+1)
tem = em + em
d = em*(b-em)*x/((qam+tem)*(a+tem))
ap = az + d*am
bp = bz+d*bm
d = -(a+em)*(qab+em)*x/((qap+tem)*(a+tem))
app = ap+d*az
bpp = bp+d*bz
aold = az
am = ap/bpp
bm = bp/bpp
az = app/bpp
bz = 1.0
if (abs(az-aold)<(EPS*abs(az))):
return az
print 'a or b too large or given ITMAX too small for computing incomplete beta function.'
def incompbeta(a, b, x):
''' incompbeta(a,b,x) evaluates incomplete beta function, here a, b > 0 and 0 <= x <= 1. This function requires contfractbeta(a,b,x, ITMAX = 200)
(Code translated from: Numerical Recipes in C.)'''
if (x == 0):
return 0;
elif (x == 1):
return 1;
lbeta = math.lgamma(a+b) - math.lgamma(a) - math.lgamma(b) + a * math.log(x) + b * math.log(1-x)
if (x < (a+1) / (a+b+2)):
return math.exp(lbeta) * contfractbeta(a, b, x) / a;
return 1 - math.exp(lbeta) * contfractbeta(b, a, 1-x) / b;
def t(x, n):
a = float(n)/float(2)
b = 0.5
z = float(n)/float(x**2 + n)
f = 0.5* (1.0 + sign(x) * float(1.0 - incompbeta(a,b,z)))
return f
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